“Nobody likes me” is a commong complaint in middle childhood, when children tend to be popularity conscious. But when these words were addressed to a school principal by an 8-year old boy in florida whose classmate had accused him of stealing from the teacher’s purse, it was a danger signal. The boy vowed that he would never return to school and he never did. Two days later, he hanged him self by a belt from the top rail of his bunk bed.
Fortunately, depressed children rarely go to such lengths, though suicideamong young people is on the increase. How can we tell the difference between a harmless period of the “blues” (which we all experience at times) and a major affective disorder that is, a disorder of mood? The basic symptoms of an affective disorder are similar from childhood, by some features are age-spesific (9dsm III-r, 1987)
Friendlessness is only one sign of childhood depression. This disorder is also characterized by inability to have fun or to concentrate, and by and absence of normal emotional reactions. Depressed children are frequently tired, extremely active, or inactive. They walk very little, cry a great deal, have trouble concentrating, sleep to much or too little, lose their appetite, start doing poorly in school, look unhappy, complain of physical ailments, feel overwhelmingly guilty, suffer severe separation anxiety (which may take the form of the school phobia), or think often about death or suicide. Any four or five of these symptoms may support a diagnosis of depression, especially when they represent a marked change from the child’s usual pattern. Parents do not always recognize “minor” problems like sleep disturbances, loss of appetite, and irritability as signs of depression, but children themselves are often able to describe how they feel.
No one is sure of the exact cause of depression in children or adults. There is some evidence for a biochemical predisposition, which may be trigged by specific experiences. Depression school age-children are children likely to lack social and academic competence, but it is not clear whether incompetence causes depression or vice versa. The parents or depressed children are morelikely to be depressed themselves, suggesting a possible genetic factor, a reflection of general stress in ill families, or the result of poor parenting practices by disturbed parents.
Complaint : keluhan
Address : menunjukan
Accuse : menuduh
Stealing : mencuri
Vow : berjanji
Features : ciri-ciri
Suicide : bunuh diri
Appetite : nafsu makan
Ailments : penyakit
Trigger : menyebabkan
Vice versa : sebaliknya
Predisposition : kecendrungan
Disturb : mengganggu
Lack : kekurangan
Inability : kemampuan
Overwhelming : berlimpahan
Recognize : mengenali
Represent : menghadirkan
Evidence : bukti
Exercise 1
1. What happen when 5-year old children say “Nobody likes me”?
They will come and tell to their parents
2. What happen when 10-year old children say “Nobody likes me”?
Actually they will afraid to going to school to see their friends
3. What will the children do when they get depression?
The children will get stress and probably they will suicide them self
4. Why do the children get depression?
When they feel friendlessness because they got accused by their friends
5. When the children are accused by their friends, will they get depression?
Yes they will, because in deep inside of their heart or their mentality won’t accept it. they are just 5 years old.
6. What is (are) the symptom (s) of childhood depression?
Any four or five of these symptoms may support a diagnosis of
depression, especially when they represent a marked change from the child's
usual pattern. Parents do not always recognize "minor" problems like sleep
disturbances, loss of appetite, and irritability as signs of depression, but
children themselves are often able to describe how they feel.
depression, especially when they represent a marked change from the child's
usual pattern. Parents do not always recognize "minor" problems like sleep
disturbances, loss of appetite, and irritability as signs of depression, but
children themselves are often able to describe how they feel.
7. What happens to the parents when their children get depression?
They try to help their child to give them a good advices
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