You have surely been angry at someone, and you have been afraid of something. You love some people and hate some. Anger and fear, love and hate are emotions. Some other emotions are joy, hope, delight despair, sadness and disgust. Every one has emotions.
Emotions come upon you suddenly. You do not thinks emotions, you feel them. You do not think, “This is an uncaged tiger, I have heard that tigers sometimes kill and eat human beings. I am a human beings, so I will now be afraid of the tiger.” Instead, you feel afraid instantly upon finding your self near a tiger out of its cage. You do not think afraid, you feel afraid.
Emotion can be aroused when information comes to your trough your senses. You see someone dear to you, and you feel love. You hear a scraping sound in a dark room, and you feel fear. You smell an unpleasant odor, and you feel disgusted Emotions can also be aroused by thoughts. You think of a test you are not ready to take, and you feel fear or sense defeat.
Thought you are not aware of can also bring out emotions. These are called unconscious thoughts. For instance, when you were very small, you may have been scared by a big, barking dog. You forgot about this unpleasant happening, but it is stored in your unconscious memory. You may now be nervous of a big dogs.
People seem to be born with a few emotions and gradually learn the rest. A newborn baby fears falling and loud sounds. Yet very young babies do not seem to fear anything else. They must learn to be afraid of fire, dangerous animals, and other things that can harm them. The fears of falling and loud sounds do not have to be learn.
The “word” emotion comes from the Latin word exmovere, meaning “to move you, or to stir up”. Your emotions move you, carry you away, stir you up, and cause you to act. Joy may make up jump up and down, clap your hands, and smile or laugh. Fear may make you run and scream, or stand and tremble.
Emotion also affect your body in ways you are not aware of fear cause the adrenal glands to secret into your blood a chemical substance called adrenaline. Adrenaline makes your heart beat faster, your blood to go from your muscles, stopping digestion. Sugar stored in your muscles and liver is sent into your blood. You may tremble and perspire. Your body is ready to react to what is causing your fear. You may run away, or try to fight or hide
Delight : kesenangan
Despair : keadaan putus asa
Unchanged : bebas, tak terkendali
Instantly : segera
Disguted : benci
Embarrassed : malu
Adrenal gland : kelenjar adrenalin
Secrete : proses pemisahan zat (dari darah) dalamtubuh untuk dipergunakan atau di buang
Perspire : berkeringat
paragraf 3
Emosi dapat muncul ketika informasi datang ke Anda melalui indera Anda. Anda merasakan rasa sayang seseorang untuk Anda, dan Anda merasakan cinta. Anda mendengar suara gesekan dalam ruangan gelap, dan Anda merasa takut. Anda mencium bau yang tidak menyenangkan, dan Anda merasa jijik. Emosi juga bisa terangsang oleh pikiran. Anda memikirkan tes yang tidak siap anda ambil, dan Anda merasa takut atau kalah.
paragraf 6
“Kata” emosi berasal dari kata Latin exmovere, yang berarti “untuk Anda bergerak, atau untuk membangkitkan”. Emosi menggerakkan Anda, membawa Anda pergi, mengaduk Anda, dan menyebabkan Anda untuk bertindak. Kegembiraan dapat membuat anda melompat kesana kemari, bertepuk tangan, dan tersenyum atau tertawa. Ketakutan mungkin membuat Anda berlari dan berteriak, atau berdiri dan gemetar
1. What is emotion? Give some examples to suppport your answer.
Emotion is an expression of our feeling. The examples of emotions arelove, hate, joy, sad, happy, despair, etc.
2. How does emotion come to you? Give the example to make your idea clearer.
Emotion come upon you suddenly. You do not thinks emotions, you feelthem. The example is this is an uncaged tiger, I have heard that tigers sometimes kill and eat human beings. I am a human beings, so I will now be afraid of the tiger.”
Instead, you feel afraid instantly upon finding your self near a tiger out of its cage.You do not think afraid, you feel afraid.
3. You do not think emotion, you feel them (p.2). what does this statement mean?
the meaning of that statement is emotion come upon us suddenly. We don’t thinks emotions but we feel them.
4. What is your opinion if someone doesn’t have unconscious thought?
if someone doesn’t have unconscious thought he/her can’t bring ou this/her emotions.
5. Observe the statement of the first and the last sentences of paragraph! What do you think of the relationship of both?
the statement “People seem to be born with a few emotions and gradually learn the rest” means people must learn many kind of emotion when they grow up in the world. The statement “The fears of falling and loud sounds do not have to be learn” means was born of fear of falling and loud noises in the world.
6. How do babies “learn” to be afraid of the dangerous things?
the baby learn to be afraid of fire, dangerous animals, and other things that can harm them.
7. What happens if we do not have emotion?
we can’t feel anything, we don’t know the feel happy, sad,atc.
8. What is the relationship between emotion and our body?
Emotion also affect your body in ways you are not aware of fear cause the adrenal glands to secret into your blood a chemical substance called adrenaline.
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